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Talent Management with Personio

Motivate and retain your best people

Hold on to your best people, manage performance exactly how you want to, and make faster talent decisions. Get rid of multiple systems - and spend less time on double-work.

Talent Management Webinar Banner

Performance & Development

Create a culture of high performance that’s right for you

Run reviews your way and get the insights you need. Grow employee performance everyday within one smart platform.

Continuous Feedback


Uncover and share survey insights fast

Understand key engagement drivers more quickly with super easy survey set up, multiple ways to slice and dice your data - plus sharing made easy with sharing inside Personio or a single click export to a ready-to-go PPT.

Surveys Heatmap

Compensation Management

Create faster, easier compensation reviews

Take the stress out of compensation reviews with centralised data, access control and easy approvals.

Compensation Management - Widget