8. May 2020

People @ Personio – Julia’s Home Office Routine

Julia's Home Office Routine

We asked Julia from our Product Team to share her experiences on the home office period, what she likes about it and how her daily routine looks like.

What is the best thing about home office for you?

  • One extra hour per day

  • I always have a meeting room available at any day, anytime

  • Being closer to my team – The developers in my team work from Romania, so the remote setup didn’t change, in fact improved! We have one stand up in the morning to share our work and impediments and another stand up in the afternoon more relaxed to talk about any topic

  • The beautiful view from my window:

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People @ Personio – Julia’s Home Office Routine_ Window2
People @ Personio – Julia’s Home Office Routine_Window3

What surprises you?

What surprises me the most is how much I could learn about myself and increase my self-awareness during this time. A lot of time to reflect on who I am, who I want to be, what are the things I need to work in order to achieve my goals. I am also making time to do things I always wanted to do before like reading a good book or learning how to draw on the iPad.

People @ Personio – Julia’s Home Office Routine_ IPad

What is your daily home office routine?

  • Walk in the morning to make sure I have enough steps in my day to keep my mind and body healthy.

  • Team stand up everyday at 9:30 am

  • Usually mornings and afternoons are filled with meetings

  • For lunch, I always try to make something easy that fits into one hour to cook and eat

  • Depending on the day, I block some focus time in my calendar, to make sure I can have a few hours of focus time to think on improvements for the team and the product

  • Non work related stand up each day at 16:30 pm where I am learning a lot about my team & about Romania

And what exactly do you do as a Product Manager at Personio?

Creative, communicative, proactive. I am a passionate Product Manager with large experience in managing stakeholders with competing interests, prioritising conflicting demands, work together with the team to build and achieve our goals. I love solving complex problems with multidisciplinary teams, learn new things and being challenged is what inspires me.

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