31. March 2022

Real Company, Real People: Meeting the Face of Personio’s Latest Outdoor Campaign

Shanice Cunningham

For us, people are the basis for everything that we do. Whether it’s our product, the customer service and experiences we provide or even how we market ourselves to the outside world.

So, it should come as no surprise that people play a role in our marketing! As part of our latest brand awareness campaign, we wanted to take a moment and sit down with the Personio employee who’s going to shine as the ‘face of Personio’: Shanice Cunningham.

What’s your name and role at Personio?

I’m Shanice Cunningham and I work as an accountant at Personio.

Tell us a bit more about what you do on a day-to-day basis.

I joined Personio’s Accounting team last November, working in accounts payable, and I am the owner of our expense management and travel expense management systems. Basically, I check all of the invoices that come from our systems, get in contact with employees if there are any issues and then approve and send them for payment.

At the moment, we are at year-end closing, so it’s a super busy time!

What drew you to Personio in the first place?

I wanted to join Personio because I actually used the software in my previous work! From the first time I came into contact with it, it was very innovative as a tool that I could use and helped streamline my own work and how I worked as an employee alongside HR.

Then, I kept seeing the brand on LinkedIn! I was drawn to pretty much everything about the brand, and it really made me want to become part of the team. Then, I visited the office and checked it out and that sold it for me.

How does it feel to be the face of Personio’s new campaign?

It’s very exciting and only a little bit awkward! I have never experienced anything like this before, and I can’t believe I might see my own face every day when I step off the train in Munich.

At the same time, I am super proud to work at Personio, so it’s an honour to be featured in such a prominent fashion. I couldn’t be more excited!

What do you think about showcasing real employees in our marketing?

I think it’s really great. It’s super cool that we avoid using stock photos and instead focus on the real people that work here. Personio does a great job in being authentic and being itself, and I think allowing the people that work here to shine is amazing.

It’s inspiring to use your own employees, and why not? We have so many diverse and beautiful people around us who work here, there’s no reason to pick a person off of Google!

What Inspired the Campaign?

Real people doing great work. For organisations across Europe, that’s what drives our team to continue creating a product attuned to the needs of HR and employees alike, so an entire organisation from top to bottom can achieve their goals.

At Personio, our mission has always been to enable better organisations. After all, people are what it’s all about — they are your brain trust, your leaders, your next great breakthrough and your most precious resource. Make time for your people by learning about Personio today.

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woman and man laughing at laptop on london office