The Personio Customer Advisory Board

The Customer Advisory Board (CAB) is a selection of Senior HR experts from all over Europe, who represent 14,000 Personio customers and work with us closely for 12 months.

The CAB plays a central role at Personio, because we count on the valuable know-how and feedback from our customers in our strategic development.

Members of Personio Customer Advisory Board sitting together

Introducing our current CAB members

Nina Johansson - British Rowing
Nina Johansson

HR Manager, British Rowing

Eline Meijn Infinitas Learning
Eline Meijn

HR Manager, Infinitas Learning

Andreas Kyprianou Preply
Andreas Kyprianou

Senior Director, People Ops, Total Rewards and Analytics, Preply

Joaquin Migliore Superside
Joaquin Migliore

Director of People Experience, Superside

Barbara Imm Roadsurfer
Barbara Imm

Director People & Culture, Roadsurfer

Daniel Recktenwald Westwing
Daniel Recktenwald

Team Lead People Operations & Systems, Westwing

Charlotte Prause Allane
Charlotte Prause

Senior Team Head HR, Allane SE

Domenico Grimaldi Knoell
Domenico Grimaldi

Global Leader People Operations, Knoell Group

Katrin Krenn Martin Auer
Katrin Krenn

Project Lead, Training and Development

Frederic-Louis Claudius
Frederic-Louis Claudius

Senior VP People, McMakler

Louise Delaney Personio
Louise Delaney

Director, People Operations & Technology, Personio

Lars Eilermann ELA
Lars Eilermann

Head of People Operations, ELA

Dave Birchall Node4
Dave Birchall

Chief People Officer, Node4

Melinda Brooks Polaroid
Melinda Brooks

Chief Human Resources Officer, Polaroid

CAB Meetings & Benefits

Our members meet in person twice a year to participate in exclusive CAB workshop days. During the workshops, for example, strategic developments and current HR trends are discussed. We also share exciting insights and are eager to hear about your best practices.

Outside of the face-to-face meetings, our members will be in contact with each other as well as with our management team and will have the opportunity to take a look behind the scenes of Personio and to establish business contacts across Europe.

Members of Personio Customer Advisory Board in a Meeting

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