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Which UK bank holidays are happening in 2023? We put together the definitive list that you can use to plan your holiday for the year ahead. This includes bank holidays happening in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Consider this your bank holiday cheat sheet for 2023. If you're planning on taking leave, we hope this guide helps.
Skip right to the chase and download our staff holiday planner template today.Contents
- 1When is the next UK bank holidays in 2023?
- 2UK Bank Holidays 2023: England & Wales
- 3UK Bank Holidays 2023: Scotland
- 4UK Bank Holidays 2023: Northern Ireland
- 5How many bank holidays happen in 2023?
- 6Do bank holidays affect benefits?
- 7What happened to the Queen’s Jubilee Bank Holiday?
- 8Will there be an extra bank holiday in 2023?
When is the next UK bank holidays in 2023?
The next bank holiday in the UK is happening on 25 December. This is otherwise known as Christmas Day and is the second-last bank holiday of 2023.
Do bank holidays happen on the same day of the week?
In 2023, the majority of UK bank holidays will occur on a Monday. While there is no specific rhyme or reason for this, when bank holidays would otherwise happen on a weekend, many of them will naturally shift to Monday (rather than Friday, for example).
What happens to a bank holiday that falls on a weekend?
When a bank holiday would otherwise occur on a weekend, like Christmas or Boxing Day, that day is normally shifted to the next available weekday. This is called a 'substitute day', and it allows people who would otherwise have Saturday or Sunday off to enjoy a day of the week from work.
UK Bank Holidays 2023: England & Wales
In the following list, you can find all the UK public holidays for 2023 that are taking place in both England and Wales:
Date | Day |
2 January (Monday) | New Year’s Day Substitute Day |
7 April (Friday) | Good Friday |
10 April (Monday) | Easter Monday |
1 May (Monday) | Early May Bank Holiday |
8 May (Monday) | Coronation Bank Holiday |
29 May (Monday) | Spring Bank Holiday |
28 August (Monday) | Summer Bank Holiday |
25 December (Monday) | Christmas Day |
26 December (Tuesday) | Boxing Day |
UK Bank Holidays 2023: Scotland
Which UK public holidays in 2023 are taking place in Scotland? Here is how to keep your diary up to date:
Date | Reason |
2 January (Monday) | New Year’s Day Substitute Day |
3 January (Tuesday) | 2nd January Substitute Day |
7 April (Friday) | Good Friday |
1 May (Monday) | Early May Bank Holiday |
8 May (Monday) | Coronation Bank Holiday |
29 May (Monday) | Spring Bank Holiday |
7 August (Monday) | Summer Bank Holiday |
30 November (Thursday) | St Andrew’s Day |
25 December (Monday) | Christmas Day |
26 December (Tuesday) | Boxing Day |
UK Bank Holidays 2023: Northern Ireland
If you’re in Northern Ireland, here’s what to expect when it comes to bank holidays in your neck of the woods in 2023:
Date | Reason |
2 January (Monday) | New Year’s Day Substitute Day |
17 March (Friday) | St Patrick’s Day |
7 April (Friday) | Good Friday |
10 April (Monday) | Easter Monday |
1 May (Monday) | Early May Bank Holiday |
8 May (Monday) | Coronation Bank Holiday |
29 May (Monday) | Spring Bank Holiday |
12 July (Wednesday) | Battle of the Boyne Orangemen’s Day |
28 August (Monday) | Summer Bank Holiday |
25 December (Monday) | Christmas Day |
26 December (Tuesday) | Boxing Day |
How many bank holidays happen in 2023?
The number of UK public holidays in 2023 depends on where you reside. In England and Wales, you can count on nine bank holidays taking place in 2023. In Scotland, add an extra for a total of ten bank holidays, with the highest being eleven holidays in Northern Ireland.
Which UK country has the most bank holidays?
Northern Ireland has the distinction of playing host to the most bank holidays in 2023 and in an average year.
When do most bank holidays happen?
In 2023, there will be an atypical glut of bank holidays occurring in the spring, throughout April and May. This is mainly due to the added bank holiday for the coronation of King Charles III in Westminster Abbey. In other years, the highest concentration of bank holidays typically happens at the tail end of the year (over Christmas and New Year's).
Do bank holidays affect benefits?
If you are receiving benefits of any kind, whether carer's allowance or universal credit, bank holidays will typically affect your payment date. In most, but not all, cases, this typically means receiving payment the day before the bank holiday.
What happened to the Queen’s Jubilee Bank Holiday?
The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee bank holiday, which resulted in a four-day weekend in 2022, will no longer apply in 2023. That’s because the jubilee is celebrated to commemorate the Queen’s 70-year reign, and only applies for one year.
Will there be an extra bank holiday in 2023?
Across the UK, there will in fact be an additional bank holiday in 2023. This will be to mark and honour the upcoming coronation of King Charles III. This holiday will only take place in 2023, and will not be found in 2024.
When is the Coronation Bank Holiday in 2023?
To honour the coronation of His Majesty King Charles III, which happened on Saturday 6 May, a bank holiday occured on Monday 8 May. This applied across the UK and offered ample opportunity for citizens to celebrate the big day.
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