Job Ads - More Applicants Through Greater Visibility

The all-in-one solution for applicant sourcing and recruiting. For small- and medium-sized companies.

Applicant Sourcing Testimage
Jacquemus Logo b/w
Lush Logo
Emma Logo
Mindful Logo
Minor Figures Logo b/w
Premier Inn Logo

Accelerate Your Recruitment Process

Create, edit, publish and control job ads with just a few clicks. Create job advertisements centrally, define who will do the recruiting, who will conduct interviews, and which manager will be responsible for the application process.With Personio you always maintain a clear and consistent overview as a basis for transparent decisions.

Mindful Chef Recruiting with Personio

Fill Critical Positions Quickly with the Right Candidates

Never miss out on top applicants again: Publish your job ads on almost 500 job portals with only a few clicks while enjoying the benefits of centralized billing and preferential framework contracts. Each application is automatically tagged with the channel through which it is received. As a result, you know very quickly which portal works most effectively for you, so you can prioritize it.

Applicant sourcing BestCompany

Stress-free Data Transfers and Reports at Your Fingertips

To make sure that you invest time, money and manpower efficiently, you need to know which recruiting channels work best. A dashboard shows you which channels deliver the most applicants, so you can prioritize them accordingly in the future.

Recruiting Channel Reports in Recruitment Software

A selection of our customers

European Journalism Centre Logo
Stonewall Logo
Jacquemus Logo b/w
Lush Logo
Emma Logo
Mindful Logo
Minor Figures Logo b/w
Premier Inn Logo
Cyted Logo b/w
Chupi Logo b/w
SimplyCook Logo b/w
The Diana Award Logo
Logo BLab
Node 4 Logo b/w
Mentimeter Logo b/w
Core Logo b/w
CALM Logo b/w
Bluewave Logo b/w
WeDo Logo b/w
Statista Logo

See Personio in action

Fill in your details to book a demo call with one of our product experts.

Here’s what to expect:

  • A no-commitment product walkthrough

  • Discussion built on your top priorities

  • Your questions, answered

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G2 Badges - Personio Winner - Winter 2023

Book your free demo

We will only contact you to book an appointment that works for you and understand your specific requirements.
*For the best experience possible, we ask that you provide all of the required contact details above.