Personio mobile app

HR excellence at your fingertips

Clock in, request time off, process approvals and access documents on the go with our intuitive app.

Personio Mobile App - HR excellence at your fingertips

Empower your employees anytime, anywhere

Tick off tasks instantly

Instantly manage urgent tasks from anywhere, across time zones, locations and languages.

Keep employees happy

Enable employees to check their attendance and leave balance or request time off in seconds.

Find what you need

Our mobile app is designed for quick, intuitive interaction and on-the-go efficiency.

Track time from anywhere

Enable your employees to effortlessly clock in and out, record breaks and manage attendance with real-time precision, wherever they are working from.

Simplify taking time off

Quickly request full- or half-days as soon as they’re needed. Enable employees to upload relevant documents from their phone in just a few taps.

Check schedules in seconds

Our built-in calendar summarises time off and attendance to give your employees a clear, comprehensive overview of their working schedules.

Manage documents on the go

Enable employees to directly upload documents such as medical certificates. Centralise documents such as pay slips for easy access anytime, anywhere.

Personio Mobile App: Manage documents on the go

Tom Asher

Tom Asher

Director of Operations, Anne Frank Trust

Anne Frank Trust UK Logo

"Having a mobile app was critical for us – not everyone offers it. Half of our workforce work remotely, so being able to quickly apply for TOIL or time off on your phone is really helpful. The flexibility on the go was a real win for us."

Coming soon

Never miss an update

Boost employee satisfaction with instant notifications. Make quicker decisions with easy approvals for time off and time tracking requests.

Available now

Get the app

Download the native app for iOS & Android on the
App Store and Google Play.

Download Personio mobile app on the App Store
Download Personio mobile app on Google Pay